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Aulas de Ballet na CCMQ

O Troupe ArtMobile Dance Cia. e a CID-UNESCO patrocinam aulas de Ballet com a Profa. Liah Trindad para turma iniciante/intermediário na Casa de Cultura Mário Quintana (CCMQ) em Porto Alegre.

Liah Trindad (Ana Lígia Trindade) é bailarina, professora e coreógrafa com formação de dança clássica (técnica russa e cubana) e moderna (técnica Graham e Limón). Autora da obra "Escrita da Dança" publicada pela editora da ULBRA em 2008. Possui pós-graduação no curso de Especialização em Dança pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Aprovada em várias audições de companhias nacionais (Porto Alegre, Novo Hamburgo e São Paulo) e internacionais (Espanha) atuou nos grupos: Unicâmara Ballet, Grupo Sêmea, Grupo Choreo e Palco & Cia. Dance Works. Atualmente trabalha junto à Escola Alegretto, UPC Dance, Espaço Cultural ArtMobile e Troupe ArtMobile Dance Cia. É mestranda do curso de Mestrado Profissional em Memória Social e Bens Culturais na Universidade La Salle/Canoas e pesquisadora CNPq/UNILASALLE em Memória, Cultura e Identidade. E em 2010 foi aprovada como membro do Conselho Internacional de Dança (CID-UNESCO 12799).
As aulas serão ás sextas, no turno da noite (19h - 22h), na Sala Cecy Frank, 4º andar.
Informações e inscrições: (51)99624648 - /


The CID Circular                                                            August 2010


 01.   CID-UNESCO Congress in Argentina

The 28th World Congress on Dance Research will take place 5-9 January 2011 in La Falda, Cordoba, Argentina. Inviting performances, classes, lectures, exhibitions from all countries, all forms of dance.

 02.  Electronic books

Publisher invites authors to submit books on dance, whether unpublished or already published. Priority will be given to books listed in the CID-UNESCO Library, to be consulted at

 03.  Patriarch supports dance

His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, spiritual leader of all orthodox Christians, granted an audience to the President of CID-UNESCO and expressed His support for dance as a means for social cohesion.

 04.  Gifts

There is a number of gifts available free of charge to Members, such as books, pins, silver pendants, gold-plated medals, tee-shirts, key-holders etc. They cannot be sent by mail as it is costly, and in some countries the envelope is lost. Probably the only way is to ask friends who happen to travel there to pick them up from our offices and give them to you.

05.  Dance History conference and courses

In Sevilla, Spain, Courses (baroque dance, flamenco & escuela bolera: 20-22 September). Conference "Fusion y confusion (23-24 September: academic papers, dance demonstrations, discussions). Languages English & Spanish.

06.  Festival in China

Inviting all ensembles to festival in Shanghai, 8-13 October 2010. All local expenses paid (hotel, meals, travel and guides) during 5 days, plus honorarium 1380 euros, and extensive publicity.

07.  Faculty position vacancy, USA

Assistant Professor of Dance in American university, tenure-track, movement and dance studies, traditional or contemporary African, African-American, jazz, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Caribbean, etc.


08.  Festival in the Czech Republic

International folklore dance festival 26-29 August 2010 in Prague and the regional Bohemian spa town of Podebrady.